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Jpegli is a new JPEG coding library that is faster, more efficient, and more visually pleasing than traditional JPEG encoding libraries.

  • Jpegli compresses images more efficiently than traditional JPEG codecs, which can save bandwidth and storage space, as well as speeding up web pages
  • Jpegli maintains high backward compatibility while offering up to a 35% compression ratio improvement
  • Jpegli compressed images look clearer and have fewer observable artifacts
  • Jpegli is designed as drop in compatible with libjpeg62

Two security vulnerabilities have been identified and patched in the Node.JS v18.x, v20.x, and v21.x versions.

  • Users are advised to upgrade their Node.js installations to the latest security release to protect against these vulnerabilities
  • High Severity: A critical race condition in the HTTP/2 server can be triggered by specific HTTP/2 frame packets, leading to a server crash (CVE-2024-27983)
  • Medium Severity: A new HTTP request smuggling vulnerability due to improperly parsed content-length headers, potentially enabling the insertion of unauthorized requests (CVE-2024-27982)

The JavaScript Profiler, part of Chrome DevTools since Chrome 58, will be deprecated as the team shifts focus to the more robust Performance panel.

  • The Performance panel will now be the central tool for profiling CPU performance, not just in web applications but also in environments like Node.js and Deno
  • This shift aims to streamline the profiling experience and improve user interface efficiency
  • The JavaScript Profiler will be phased out in four stages, allowing developers ample time to transition to the new system
  • The new Performance panel supports the .cpuprofile file format, ensuring that developers can continue analyzing existing profiles with ease

Bun 1.1 marks a significant milestone with the introduction of full support for Windows 10 along with performance improvements for the OS.

  • The update includes significant performance enhancements, notably in package installation and script execution speeds on Windows
  • Bun 1.1 optimizes Node.js APIs for faster performance on Windows, such as making fs.readdir() 58% faster than Node.js
  • Bun Shell is introduced in this release. Bun Shell is a cross-platform shell that simplifies scripting in JavaScript or TypeScript, enhancing the developer experience by integrating commonly used utilities and supporting complex scripting operations seamlessly across different platforms
    • Like bash but also on windows

Dart 3.3 introduces significant enhancements for cross-platform development, focusing on improved interoperability with JavaScript through the newly introduced dart:js_interop library. This library provides Dart developers with a typed API that clearly defines the boundaries between Dart and JavaScript with static enforcement, enhancing reliability and developer experience.

  • Dart 3.3 features a new model for JavaScript interoperation that not only simplifies the interaction between Dart and JavaScript but also introduces a new way to represent JavaScript types in Dart using extension types. This approach allows for more expressive and sound integrations
  • Extension Types: These are zero-cost abstractions that help optimize performance-sensitive code, especially useful when interfacing with host platforms, thus eliminating typical overhead associated with wrapper types

Looking ahead, Dart 3.3 also lays the foundational steps for compiling web applications to WebAssembly. Although WebAssembly support in Flutter Web is currently experimental, Dart is preparing for broader adoption:

  • WebAssembly Preparation: Developers are encouraged to start adapting their packages and applications for WebAssembly compatibility. A migration guide is available to facilitate this transition, aiming for widespread support of Wasm in popular packages by the time it reaches a stable release

This release underscores Dart's commitment to enhancing the flexibility and power of web and mobile application development, setting the stage for future advancements in performance and compatibility.

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The Loop is written and edited by Noah Gribbin, Victoria Lebel, Nick Barrameda, and Marie Stotz.

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Published on Thu May 02 2024