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If you’ve used Next.js, you’ve almost certainly used its <Image /> component, a handy way to optimize images with minimal effort required. In fact, the component is so easy to use out-of-the-box that you might not know some useful facts about its architecture and best practices for using it:

  • <Image /> consists of three parts:
    • A React component that generates the required HTML including the <img /> tag and multiple URLs for the src and srcset attributes
    • The Next Image API serves an image proxy that accepts an image URL, width, and quality; it also validates parameters, determines cache control policies, processes the image, and ultimately serves the image in a browser-supported format
    • <Image /> uses two different libraries - Sharp or Squoosh - for optimization
  • <Image /> does not crop images, despite the fact that you can pass in width, height, and fill properties; it is currently impossible to change an image’s original aspect ratio
  • When you pass in a width prop, you might notice that your image is rendered with a different actual width; this is due to the fact that Next.js uses arrays of deviceSizes and imageSizes (found in next.config.js) to resize images to the closest defined size
  • You can optimize images by using the Image API (even without using the <Image /> component itself) by calling the API’s URL
  • For example: /_next/image?url=https://x.com/test.jpg& w=640&q=75
  • It is best practice to import an image and assign that imported image to <Image />’s src attribute rather than assigning an absolute path to src; this is because accessing images by an absolute path from a public folder results in a 30-day cache policy, which can have a negative impact on your Lighthouse score

Google Search Central recently released its latest episode, detailing some updates, best practices, and guidelines for search optimization:

  • Interaction to Next Paint (INP) will become part of the Core Web Vitals metric starting in March 2024, replacing First Input Delay (FID)
  • Starting in December 2023, Google Search Console will be retiring its “Mobile Usability” report, the Mobile-Friendly Test tool, and its Mobile-Friendly Test API
  • For news sites, Google has announced SEO best practices and Search Console for news sites
  • Search Labs is available for users in the US who want to try out experimental initiatives such as Search Generative Experience (SGE), which uses AI to enhance users’ searches
  • Search Console announced a series of updates:
    • An update to the Rich Results Test allows code editing, which makes experimental fixes much faster and easier
    • Search Console Insights now supports users without Google Analytics
    • The video indexing report has been improved to provide more detail and context for resolving video-indexing issues
    • A new series of Search Console training videos has been released

The latest version of Next.js includes improvements for compiler performance and various bug fixes.

  • On Vercel's website these improvements led to 1.5% faster local server startup and 54% faster updates when making changes (HMR/React Fast Refresh)
  • Next.js achieved these results by caching and/or minimizing slow operations, optimizing expensive file system operations, and using more incremental tree-traversal during compilation
  • Along with these significant improvements, Next.js is continuing to develop and improve its new App Router:
    • Next.js’s previous Pages Router was not designed for streaming, leading to the need to create a streaming-friendly API for data fetching, asset loading, page metadata, and React’s newer primitives
    • Next.js is focusing on improving the App Router’s stability: since 13.4, they have patched a number of high-impact bugs around stability that are available in the latest patch release
    • Next.js has re-written its documentation from scratch, including refreshing almost every page of the App Router documentation

A former npm engineer wrote up an issue he sees with the npm ecosystem:

  • The author argues that the npm registry delegates validation of the integrity of package contents to npm clients rather than checking manifest data against the package
  • This results in a number of negative impacts on users:
    • Cache corruption, in which the saved software package may not align with the specified name or version in the registry of URL
    • Unacknowledged dependencies may be installed
    • Unknown scripts can be executed
    • Downgrade attacks are possible, in which a project’s version specification correspond to a susceptible version of the software package
  • As safeguards against these scenarios, npm users are encouraged to avoid or audit packages that rely on npm registry package manifests
  • You can also use a registry proxy that verifies package contents
  • 2 metrics in Google’s Core Web Vitals are directly impacted by font loading: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
  • Using font-display: optional can help avoid CLS: with the default setting of font-display: auto, a page will render with the space that would be taken by the fallback font, so that when the custom font loads there is a layout shift
  • Additionally, using font-display: optional leads the browser to render the font only if it is available quickly
  • You can also optimize font-loading by self-hosting fonts on your primary domain; this can be problematic for licensing reasons, but self-hosting the loading code is an effective middle ground

Vercel’s AI SDK offers support for streaming API responses from AI models.

  • This includes React and Svelte hooks for data fetching and rendering streaming text responses
  • The SDK is Edge and Serverless ready, meaning that you can deploy an AI application that scales, streams generated response, and is cost-effective
  • Vercel’s Chat & Prompt Playground allows developers to compare various language model results, modify parameters, and generate code in Next.js, Svelte, and Node.js
  • The AI SDK embraces interoperability and includes support for OpenAI, LangChain, and Hugging Face

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The Loop is written and edited by Hank Mason, Andrew Smith, John Kaufmann, Noah Gribbin, Victoria Lebel, Chris Breen, and Marie Stotz.

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Published on Wed Aug 02 2023